Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Trip to Buffalo

I went to Buffalo recently - Kaitlyn's first adventure on an airplane. She did great with one exception. On the plane ride there she was wide awake for the whole trip...2 hours. She was looking all around at new sites and hearing new noises. I thought it was veyr cute that she was so alert. I did not, however, think it was so cute when we got to mom's house and she screamed for 40 minutes like I've never heard her scream before. Apparently, she got overstimulated...this caused her to get stressed out and resulted in a lot of gas. I felt very bad for was not a good start to our trip.

The next day was better as well as the rest of the days to follow. We had a lot of visitors, which was very exhausting. Kaitlyn would get cranky in the evening and only wanted to be held by mommy. It's nice to be needed!!

The plane ride back was very different. I put a cover over the baby and she slept the whole way back so she was rested for daddy when we arrived in Minneapolis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this picture. I need to kiss her.
great aunt cathy