Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Block #5 is on its' way...
We are really excited about having a baby! Mike talks to my belly every night and sings songs to it. Yeah, right! I make him say hello and goodbye to the baby every once in a while. I think when the belly gets bigger he might start singing. Anyways...we've been video taping ourselves so the baby will be able to see how wierd we are. We like to watch our videos on tv over and over again. We really are weird! When we actually tape something worth watching, we will post it on this website. Grandma A seems to be very excited about her first grandchild. Afterall, she keeps buying outfits and books and college funds for the baby. Her and Peter are expecting a girl. Aunt Amy is more excited than anyone. She spends her days at Target buying baby clothes and her nights on baby websites finding things like Bon Jovi t-shirts in size 0-3 months.

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