Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Belly at 36 Weeks...

Well, here we are into the 37th week already. I feel like both a whale and a snale at the same time...big and slow. I've been very emotional and anxious lately. I don't sleep at night...which makes it hard for Mike to sleep too. He's been a trooper though - he is very accomodating and understanding. He wakes me up to ask if everything is ok when he hears me moaning in my sleep. I tell him I'm just having dreams about having contractions and delivering the baby - no need to worry. My back is hurting a lot and I am constantly walking on one balloon (otherwise known as my right foot). The baby wants to get out - she kicks and kicks all day long - and especially when I'm trying to sleep. I could see little extremities poking out every day - mostly on my right side, which means it's her feet or knees. She is positioned head down, her back is on my left side, her butt in under my solar plexus (meow meow meow), and her feet are on my right. Who are these women that say they just love being pregnant? Am I missing something? I feel very blessed to be growing God's work inside of me, but it's not an easy job! Sarah and Karen...I can't wait until you are at 36 weeks...then you'll really know what it's like to be uncomfortable! I think the second pregnancy will be easier - knowing that the first 7 months isn't really that uncomfortable compared to the last 2.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,
I love seeing the full frontal view. You really do look pregnant, but I think Sarah's frontal looks fatter than you.
Stay the course- (as if you have a choice) and you will be rewarded with a full nights sleep, uninterrupted by having to get up to pee. It is quite wonderful.
Aunt Cathy

Sarah and Ray said...
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Sarah and Ray said...

Dawn Marie, you're huge! It looks as if that baby girl is going to bust right through your belly and fall out while you're standing up. You wont even have to worry about giving birth through you're
Why does my Mom think I look fatter? Let's just leave it as we both looks like jerks. You however, should be about done growing pretty soon, if not already.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, it looks like she is going to come any day now! You are doing a great job baking your little baby in there. I was reading your post laughing nervously because I was just complaining to Bob today about how I was starting to feel whale-like and uncomfortable. Its getting hard to get up, roll over and get out of bed, sleep.. and I still have another 4 months. AAH!

Anonymous said...

Now THAT is a pregnant belly! I haven't looked at your website for awhile and all of a sudden I realize you're pretty much THERE! I'm so excited for you! I'm sorry we haven't caught up with each other again. Not to freak you out, but Will was born at 37 weeks :) Norah at 39. I hope you are ready for this little peanut! You look fabulous and I know how excited you are and how much this baby is already loved. God bless your beautiful family...hang in there and enjoy these days as much as you's all over before you know it!