Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Dawn wanted me to write some more on the website I think to make her feel better or else make her laugh so here goes... If she wants to laugh she should look in the mirror...Ha ha. Really though I think if you tell the truth about the happenings periodically in the house it takes the pressure off the situation. Like two nights ago when I wanted the t.v. on past 11:00 pm for an hour to try and fall asleep. Now neither one of us has slept through the night for a couple months but lately is has been Dawn waking up every hour or two to get comfortable, etc... So we are exhausted but I needed the fricking tv on one night to go to sleep and I haven't done that in six months because of compromising since Dawn is pregnant. She got out of bed mad, made me feel bad but not bad enough to turn the tv off. At about 2 am I was awakened by a flying object hitting me and almost knocking me out. Obviously I was alarmed and scared, man having a baby is hard work on a guy.

Help me Peter...


Anonymous said...

Mike, you don't even know. You are lucky it wasnt an abnormally large flying object, like a television or a blender hitting you in the head. Your job right now is to just repeat these 2 phrases to everything dawn says: "yes you are absolutley right dear" and "what ever you say dear." That just about covers it.
Only a few more days to go, hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Grandma says,
Dawn,you look beautiful! I wish I was there to see you in person, but Iguess I will have to settle for this. Soon it will be over and you will be holding that baby girl, that is if you can get her out of my arms!!!!! You are doing a great job, cooking that granddaughter of mine. I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Finally, Granny Agnes speaks!!!!
What are the name choices? It's getting close, so we should be calling her something other than baby block!!! Auntie Carol