Sunday, March 16, 2008

Grocery Shopping inStyle...

We go to the grocery store atleast 5 times a week now - Mike goes with me about half of the time. When he is with me I ride one of those larks...if I am by myself I feel silly riding it. It's hard for me to get around that big store by foot - I start having contractions and then I have to lay down when I get home. It's very...ummm I don't know...not like something a 31 year old, athlete should be admitting to. I like the lark, but I will say that everyone stares - I can't imagine why. We actually saw people we knew on our trip to the store today...that was a real treat. Forgetting that I was pregnant, the woman asked if I was injured!! I said "No, I'm just fat!" And I showed her my belly. That was slightly embarrassing. And then I have Mike videotaping me riding around the aisles. He thinks it's funny to take me through the bakery section and then tell me I can only buying. He then proceeds to take me down the bulk candy aisle where he tells me that he is going to get himself a treat...but again, I can only look. I'm just joking...he doesn't put any eating restrictions on me - but it certainly doesn't help when he comes home with 3 boxes of Girl Scout cookies! I'm at 34 pounds now and I don't want to go over 35. That could be tricky since I have absolutely no will power. Just wait think you're doing so good now with your heathy eating habits and nutritious foods...pretty soon you will be drinking Pepsi to wash down a large Blizzard and then cleansing your pallet with a sleeve of Thin Mints.


Anonymous said...

Dawn, you have got to be kidding. Even Grandma doesn't use one of those!!! What's Up???
Aunt Cathy

Anonymous said...

Thanks for my good laugh for the day. I have tears running down my face!!!!
Auntie Carol

Sarah and Ray said...

Dawn Marie...are you parking in the handicap spots too??? Geez!!

Anonymous said...

At this point I don.t care what you drink or what you eat as long as you hurry up. I,m warming up my arms and i,m doing lip exercises so i can start sucking on that baby.s face.